Essays on Infinite Lifespans
Mike Treder
It is even conceivable that in the future we will be able to
simulate the personalities of people from the past whether
celebrities, historical figures, or loved ones and relate directly
with them. It is also possible that you might (with their per-
mission, of course) choose to integrate one or more of these
identities into your own.
You may also someday accept the invitation to become part
of a meta-being by subsuming your identity (or maybe a copy
of your identity) into theirs. Some have speculated that the
long-term evolution of posthumans must follow this pathway
into integrated immortal super-beings. [9]
Whatever happens, it is clear that the future will be much
stranger and far more wonderful than we have ever
1) United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 2000 // http://
2) http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Immortality
3) McKibben, Bill; Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered
Age (2003); Times Books ; // Kass, Leon; Beyond Therapy:
Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness (2003); Regan
4) Bova, Ben; Immortality: How Science Is Extending Your
Life Span and Changing the World (1998); William Morrow
& Company; pg.183
5) Meltzer; Milton; Slavery: A World History (1993); Da
Capo Press